Positions currently available:
Commissioned Phone Sales Person
Phone Sales Supervisor- Inbound/ Outbound
Sales - Develop Volume Accounts
Cold call across the country to create new volume accounts
We are seeking stable, professional personalities for THREE positions,
listed below (scroll down to see). We currently have room for qualified
sales people only, willing to do what it takes to get the job done.
If you have a track record, and employers will verify you are an
upbeat, ‘can do’ kind of person, then you are our ideal
candidate. We take orders from America and Canada. That means, English
as your first language, then French, Spanish, Japanese or any of
the Asian Languages. Many employees speak other languages as well.
We never know what language is going to come in handy, so we encourage
all bi-lingual applicants. As you can imagine, connections to any
group or community are a plus, because we can give deep discounts
to Corporate Customers that you can cultivate, and earn money from
closing sales, no matter which position you are selected for.
We currently have new and exciting products and services in development.
Our growth provides you plenty of opportunity to move up at the
corporation. Our current Sales Manager started as an Operator! We
ROCK when it comes to recognizing, appreciating and utilizing talent!
We appreciate your interest in our companies and look forward to
seeing what you can contribute!
American Telegram®, Flowergram®,
Candygram®, Balloongram®